Oldesloe´s Miraculous Mud – Ceramic Mural

In 2017 the county of Stormarn celebrated it´s 150 year Jubilee. As part of the celebrations I initiated a interdisiplinary art/history project at the TMS grammer school in Bad Oldesloe, working together with an A-level art class. The 10 pupils researched and investigated the history of Bad Oldesloe during it´s earlier years as a renowned spa town. Using paper collage as their medium they produced small art works.
The Large 200cm x 140cm tile Mural, depicting a selection of the student´s collages, will finally be presented to the public.
Using digital ceramic transfers the collage images were fired onto frost resistant tiles. On the 1st December the framed mural can be seen installed onto the exterior wall of the district´s archive and department of culture building in Bad Oldesloe and will be unveiled at 10 am. At the same time, in the same buildng we´ll be opening the accompanying exhibition at which the pupil´s original paper collages can be seen. The exhibition will run til 5th January 2018. This project was kindly supported by Kreis Stormarn.
For venue details please look under “exhibtions” in the site menu